Company knowledge database – How to use MediaWiki in business?
Would you like to create a knowledge base that can be used by all company employees? Are you thinking about using MediaWiki for this? Or maybe you want to create a knowledge base for private purposes and you're looking for a way to organize your data? Use this tool, it's really worth it!
A private knowledge database, accessible only to a selected group of people, can make life in the company much easier. All procedures are available in one place, and a leave or change of employee will not cause a suspension of work if even the slightest error occurs. Just have a look at MediaWiki, check the guidelines and get to work!
Company knowledge database – instructions in documents
Traditional instructions have a disadvantage, usually in paper form or in dozens of files, where it is difficult to find the one that concerns the current problem. In addition, there are modifications made by each person on whose computer there is a given instruction, so if the procedure is saved in the file of e.g. three persons, and there is any change in the procedure, you can expect that at least one person will make a note in his instruction, but will not replace the file in a place where others could download it with the change made, or you can assume that all three persons have private comments in their files and will not want to share their thoughts.
Company knowledge database in MediaWiki – one place for instructions
Private MediaWiki enables to organize your knowledge database, group information, add graphics, photos or screenshots from your operation, and most importantly, it is user-friendly for data entry – easy to use, legible and irreplaceable!
The main advantage of the company’s MediaWiki is its accessible form, which most people have encountered in their private and professional lives – Wikipedia is based on the MediaWiki engine. Knowing how a wiki works makes the company’s knowledge database easy to use, and using it becomes natural.
With MediaWiki, all of the company instructions are in one place, and any authorized user can modify an item at any time to keep the content, formulas, and commands up-to-date.
MediaWiki’s advantages in the company:
However, it is important to remember that… For a new employee to enjoy clear instructions, his predecessors should keep the current information in their knowledge database.
There is still a lot to be written about the advantages and options of your own wiki, so let’s conclude by saying that MediaWiki can also be used for other types of solutions, not necessarily related to standard business. This type of knowledge database is very often used by game developers (e.g. Minecraft) or fans of a series of books and films (e.g. Fandom Wiki).
If you're looking for information on how to install MediaWiki on your own server >> Click here :)