Is it worth to have a products filter in an online store? - Ignis.Dev

Is it worth to have a products filter in an online store?

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Is it worth to have a products filter in an online store? 5 min read Alina

Did you ever wonder how much time would you spend in webstore, in which you have to visit each product to find for example size? Probably not much, unless it will be rare product and will be available only in this one online shop. Do you agree?

01/03/2018 10:28

Imagine yourself as customer

Try to do an experiment.
Go to the website of any clothing brand which you know from shopping centre and try to find a green sweater, size S - usually, you must enter in the search engine "sweater", search results and filters will appear, so you can check options: colour - green, size - S.
Now, imagine yourself, that you must enter to each search result and check if there are colour green and size S. In a stationery shop you will not have a problem, because you go straight to area where you will see the green colour, then you check size or ask for help salesman. Imagine filters in your webstore as they were salesmen who help everyone in finding size or colour or any other product attribute quickly.

Anything can be placed in a product name

Are you sure? Then how long will be product name if you type all its information in it? Actually, it makes sales management easier, because you place important attributes in a product name, which allows a customer to find the product, but visually it may not pass the exam. On product view, we can set name to be displayed without characters limit, but on category view level it will be problematic, because this view is often limited to a certain number of characters, and next characters are shown in the form of an ellipsis and/or as a tooltip. We are going back to the starting point - we force the customer to visit or at least hover every product to find wanted model.

What about time spent on browsing website?

Oh, yes, a customer will have to click, click, click... to find a product with size, colour or type, will spend more time on our site, so at first glance, the site will be effective. Nonsense! Do you want to click endlessly, if you can go to another website where you will have quick chance to find things that interest you? Time counts when your client will visit your website and make a decision to buy something in your store online because every store is made for making money - increasing sales is the best measure if we’re doing everything the right way.
If the above arguments did not convince you that product filters are important. Once again, consider whether the product filters make it easier to browse webstore - and if they make it difficult, make available only such attribute filters which will shorten the time of searching wanted products in your webstore.

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