Ignisdev Inpost Parcel Locker for Virtuemart installation guide

1. Contents
What is Inpost Parcel Locker service?
Inpost parcel lockers are a convenient form of collecting a package, which usually does not require contact with the courier. Parcel lockers are open 24/7, the recipient receives a notification in the Inpost application about the possibility of collecting the parcel from a parcel locker or Parcel Service Point. The notification can also be received in the form of an SMS and/or as an e-mail. The code from messages allows you to open the box or pick up the order at a designated pickup point.
1.1. Supported locations: Poland, United Kingdom and Italy.
1.2. Multilanguage support.
1.3. Configure like any other Virtuemart shipping method plugin.
1.4. Choose the language of the map widget, map type (Open Street Map or Google), as well as the display of parcel locker machines and/or Parcel Service Points and the default location of the map.
1.5. Widget based on Api Inpost v4 (newest).
1.6. Works with OPC - VirtuePlanet One page Checkout, JoomlaPro VirtueMart One Page Checkout and One Page Checkout VirtueMart by PV.
2. Requirements
2.1. PHP 5.6.0 or later.
3. Installation instruction
Download purchased Ignisdev Inpost Parcel Locker for Virtuemart via your customer account available on our website.
On your website at the Joomla admin panel go to: Extensions -> Manage -> Install.
Choose Upload Package File tab.
Choose plg_ignisdev_vm_inpost_parcel_locker.zip file from your disk to install it.
Go to Extensions -> Plugins, find plugin Ignisdev Inpost Parcel Locker for Virtuemart and enable it.
Go to Virtuemart dashboard, Shop -> Shipment Methods, press "New" button and choose Ignisdev Inpost Parcel Locker for Virtuemart from "Shipment Method" dropdown list.
Fill in the required fields and set other plugin options if needed. Don't forget to publish your shipping method.
Configuration fields description
Instance - region for which the services are provided, default: Poland.
Language - language of the map interface with pickup points.
Use test API - Inpost test servers. Turn off in production mode.
Map type - map provider on which Inpost pickup points are marked (Open Street Map or Google).
Google API key - Google map API key, required when the selected map type is Google. For more information, please visit: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform.
Show Parcel Lockers - parcel locker machines will be visible on the Inpost pickup point map.
Show Parcel Service Points - Parcel Service Points will be visible on the map of Inpost pickup points.
Default latitude - latitude at which the map will open by default if the user does not share his location.
Default longitude - longitude at which the map will open by default if the user does not share his location.
Use modal window - displays the map in the modal window or under the shipping method name. If you use more than one instance of Inpost Parcel Locker shipment method (displaying more than one map in the checkout process) this option should be set to no in all methods.
Exclude product from Inpost Parcel Locker shipment
Additionally, you can mark products for which the Inpost Parcel Locker shipment method will not be available. You can do it by selecting the custom field "Exclude product from Inpost Parcel Locker shipment" and set its value to "Yes" in the product edit form at the backend. If custom field is not chosen or chosen value is "No", then shipment method will be available. If any in cart product has "No" custom field value chosen, then shipment method will not be available.
If you are upgrading 1.x.x plugin to 2.x.x package, we recommend uninstalling 1.x.x first.
4. Sample usage
4.1. Video with an example usage of the Inpost Parcel Locker shipping plugin for Virtuemart: